Our Board
CLTP Board of Directors: 2024-2025
Travis Kirchhefer- President
Mary Hall - VP of Finance
Jonathan Hedger - VP of Administration
Jay Batson - VP of Programming
Brad Goodman - VP of Fund Development
Sara Serelson- Immediate Past President
Members at Large
Lori Brand - Bob Curtis - Kandice Hansen - Brenna Heaton - Reese Johnston Jessie Klein - John Lyttle - Sierra Sinclair - Susan Skinner - Matthew Snyder Heidi Teasley- Iryna Wiggam
Board Member Application
Do you love what we do, and want to lend your voice to helping us grow and thrive in the community? Join our Board of Directors!
Duties include:
● Establish guidelines regarding the annual budget, selection of plays, and special projects.
● Provide oversight to ensure financial stability of CLTP.
● Determine and evaluate progress toward long-range plans.
● Offers input in the hiring and evaluation of the Managing Director.
For a full list of responsibilities and a rough estimate of the time required, check out the full document below.
Our committees keep us running!!!
Every committee is open to the public. Look below for some options!
E-mail cltpinfo@cheyennelittletheatre.org to attend a meeting or even join a committee!!!
Administration Committee
Led by Jonathan Hedger
Meets every 2nd Thursday, 12pm via Zoom
From the nominations and terms of board members to policies and procedures, our admin committee keeps us running.
Finance Committee
Led by Mary Hall
Meets every 3rd Thursday, 5:30 pm
Our finance committee covers everything financial; from our budget, to investing, to purchases
Fund Development Committee
Led by Brad Goodman
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:45 pm
This committee is in charge of our fundraising events includgind the annual fundraiser, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Silent Movies, and more! Join this committee if you are organized and like to throw parties!
Programming Committee
Led by Jay Batson
Meets Every 2nd Wednesday, 5:45 pm
Our programming committee chooses the productions you see on our stage, including the annual Melodrama and our Youth Summer Stock program.
Volunteer Committee
Every 3rd Monday of the month at 12 pm via Zoom
This committee works on getting volunteers, keeping volunteers, and showing volunteers appreciation. If you are a people person and want to help with one of the MOST important parts of CLTP, this committee is for you!
Costume Committee
Connie Skoetsch and Pat Lauber, & Brenda Lyttle
Meetings announced as needed
Our costume committee spends quite a bit of time with our costumes. They are the wonderful people behind the modifications, fabrications and designs for most of our shows. Additionally, this group also maintains our costume collection and keeps the wonderful pieces we have in working order.