Upcoming Auditions
Auditions for Murder on the Orient Express
Performance dates: May 2nd through 18th, 2025
Time: Monday March 17th 7:00 p.m. & Tuesday March 18th 7:00 p.m.
Possible callbacks – Wed. March 19th at 7:00
Mary Godfrey Theatre, 2706 E. Pershing Blvd
Please come ready to do cold readings from the script.
Many of the characters have foreign accents,
we would like you to attempt each accent as you read.
Character List:
Hercule Poirot – Male age 40 – 70 Belgian
Monsieur Bouc – Male age 40 – 50’s Belgian
Mary Debenham – Female age 20 – early 30’s English
Hector Macqueen – Male age 30- early 40’s American
Michel the conductor – Male or Female age 40- 70 French
(Doubles as the waitstaff in Act I, Scene 1)
Princess Dragomiroff – Female age 60 – 70’s Russian
Greta Ohlsson – Female age 20 – 40’s Swedish
Countess Andrenyi – Female age 20 – early 30’s Hungarian
Samuel Ratchett – Male age 40 – early 50’s American
Col. Arbuthnot – Male age 30 – early 40’s Scottish
Mrs. Helen Hubbard – Female age 50 – early 60’s American
Read-through will be Thursday March 20th at 6:30 in the Mary Godfrey Theatre.
Rehearsals will begin on Monday March 24th. A schedule will be provided at auditions.

The Cheyenne Little Theatre Players do not discriminate based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or familial status.